Survivor returns to refuge
Survivor returns to refuge
Domestic abuse survivor Sarah talks about the happiness she has found with her family again after their refuge experience
Key helps families experiencing domestic abuse and met up with Sarah two years after she left the women’s refuge in South Ribble, where she and her family were supported to build a better life.
Key is celebrating 30 years this year of supporting people across South Ribble and Lancashire to create a brighter future. We catch people before they fall and help people in crisis to find their feet by delivering crucial prevention and critical support services in the community.
Jayne Allison, Business Development Manager at Key Unlocking Futures, said:
“Very often, people we have supported don’t want to talk about the support they’ve had as it can bring back memories of a difficult time. When people contact us after they have used our services, we are delighted to be able to listen to how they were helped, where they are now and also to find out if Key can do better when delivering services. We protect the people we support by sharing their real stories but not sharing their real identity”.
Sarah (not their real name) turned to the charity when she and her children were experiencing domestic abuse in the home.
She said: “I stayed at Key’s refuge two years ago, leaving an abusive relationship I was scared with my children, and I was welcomed with respect and love. The six months I spent with my children were difficult mentally, but we were safe and happy and there was always someone to talk to when I was feeling low. The tools, the advice, the lessons I learned while I was there have allowed me to progress in life. I have my own home; my children have a garden to play in and their own rooms and space. We have heating and lights that work. Most of all we have each other and happiness. I found work, we have a good routine and such a good relationship with each other.
I never would have found happiness or stability without Key. They are touching lives and helping families return to normality. Thank you for giving us the biggest push towards an awesome future.”
Each year approximately 2.4 million adults experience domestic in the UK with 1 in 5 adults experiencing domestic abuse in their lifetime.
Key Unlocking Futures manage two refuges, in Chorley and South Ribble. We also manage a domestic abuse outreach service for people of any gender. Key has recently been awarded the Women’s Aid National Quality Standards Accreditation. This means Key demonstrate the unique quality of dedicated specialist services for women and children survivors. Promoting positive survivor outcomes form part of the accreditation. You can read more about the quality mark standards here: National Quality Standards - Women’s Aid (
Ursula Patten, Director of Key at Key Unlocking Futures, said:
‘’We are delighted to have achieved the Women’s Aid accreditation and would particularly like to thank all our staff team for their hard work and dedication to all the families they support every day with such compassion and care.”
To find out more about Sarah’s story and find details of local support services visit: Real Stories - Key Unlocking Futures (