Help with rent arrears
Help with rent arrears
If you are a tenant of Progress Housing Group and at critical risk of losing your home, we offer tenancy support.
We can help you with rent arrears or anti-social behaviour, which directly affects your ability to keep your home and tenancy.
We know there are often underlying issues that impact on why someone isn’t paying their rent.
We are independent of Progress and have helped many tenants access grants and funding they never realised they could apply for by sorting out other debt, which allows you to focus on rent payments and work through a manageable plan.
Our caring team are specialists in accessing funding and supporting you to take charge of your debts.
Allowing you to take back control and ultimately retain a roof over your head.
Proof it works
More than 93% of tenants we’ve supported have shown a significant impact on their emotional health and wellbeing.
Our statistics show that people who receive Key’s support reduce their arrears by almost £1,000 over a year, compared to those in a similar situation who haven’t had our support.
What do others say about our support?
“Jacqui rang Child Benefit and put a claim in for my son, this was backdated for a year, and I received £602.80; this enabled me to pay rent until my Housing Benefit was reassessed. She supported me to complete the Tax Credits form, and I received a renewal award. Jacqui also rang Housing Benefit to see if my claim with them was correct, they still had my eldest child living with me, and she left last year and did not have my son on Child Benefit. I took the Child Benefit award letter and the address that my eldest child had moved to. This resulted in a reassessment, and I was awarded £2125.40 due to being underpaid for a year; for the first time in years, my rent was in credit by £600.00. Jacqui rang Council Tax as I was behind with my payments, and I set up a new agreement with them, which I will keep to. She also applied for a grant with United Utilities, and I was awarded £1123.72. This meant that my debt was written off, and I could start again and keep up with my payments. I asked Jacqui if she knew if anyone could assist my son as he had finished college and wasn’t sure what to do next. She referred him to Steve at Key, and he is now on a Prince’s Trust course and enjoying this. It has given him more confidence, and we are not arguing as much because I know he is at least doing something to help his future. I feel very relieved about my situation and no longer need to spend sleepless nights worrying about being evicted or people harassing me for money, as everything is now in order, and I feel that I can keep on top of it going forward.”